Butt Free Business
If you manage a business, organisation or government department you need to read this.
There's never been more public, corporate and media awareness of the issue of cigarette butt litter, and its ramifications for the environment - and corporate profiles.
In a perfect world, nobody would smoke...
But it's not a perfect world - and that means that people do smoke, and sadly, many of them still think it's ok to litter their cigarette butts.
That's not only very damaging to our environment, it's even worse for any business, organisation or department who employs or caters to smokers - and there's
a 99.9% probability that's you.
No BuTTs and our ever growing number of environmentally responsible partners / clients around the world have been working hard for over 10 years to eradicate the scourge of cigarette butt litter - and we're making amazing progress.
Every day with the assistance of our partners, 1,000s of smokers across the planet are discovering No BuTTs award winning butt litter reducing products - and changing their
littering habits forever.
Affiliated Butt Litter. Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid...
Butt Free versus Affiliated Butt Litter
Affiliated Butt Litter is the Cigarette Butt Litter created by any organisation's smokers - whether they are staff & employees, customers, patrons, contractors, guests, visitors, clients, students, patients, members,
passengers, etc.
From the point of view of any organisation's public profile, it doesn't get much worse than their smokers littering their butts - especially when they do it in public. It's not a good look.
Butt littering is not only illegal, it's also environmentally and socially irresponsible to ignore it - especially when it's your smokers that are littering. And people do notice - and that can result in a lot more negative effects too.
And it's even more damaging to the public image of that organisation if they've gone Smoke-Free the wrong way - and whether intentionally or unknowingly, simply dumped the problem of their smokers cigarette butt littering over to someone else - like their neighbours or surrounding areas, or any where else their smokers go.
How to become a Butt Free Business or Org:
It's easy with No BuTTs!
Butt Free is where you want to be...
Depending on your type of organisation there are a few different ways to address and resolve the issue of your smokers cigarette butt litter. Understanding your organisation's specifics can make
becoming a Butt Free Business
or Organisation even easier.
Localised Cigarette Butt Litter
Organisations where their cigarette butt litter is essentially confined to their immediate location.
This can include:
- Businesses that have gone Smoke-Free
- Restaurants, Bars, Pubs and Cafes
- Offices, Factories, Warehouses
- Commercial / Retail Facilities
- Clubs, Sports Clubs & Golf Courses
- Hotels, Motels and Accom based businesses
Wall-mounted Ashtrays | Post-mounted Ashtrays | Freestanding/Bollard Ashtrays |
Sand Ashtrays | Smokers Floor Ashtrays | Windproof Tabletop Ashtrays
Dispersed Cigarette Butt Litter
Organisations whose smokers and their resulting cigarette butt litter are in most cases spread out and located at various and different locations.
This includes:
- Businesses that have gone Smoke-Free
- Mining, Construction & Energy based businesses
- Trades based businesses
- Service and Delivery based companies
- Tour and Tourism based businesses
Personal Ashtrays | Pocket Ashtrays | Portable Ashtrays | Butt Bins
Logo Printed Personal Ashtrays, Pocket Ashtrays, Portable Ashtrays, Butt Bins
Butt Free? The answer is Ashtrays.
If only every problem was so easily solved!
Call us now on 1300-662-888 (+61-1300-662-888)
- or email us and we'll reply to you within 24 hours.
No BuTTs ...because the world is not an ashtray.