Personal Ashtrays protect the surrounding areas of Smoke-Free medical locations from cigarette butt litter - and can even promote quitting at the same time!
Ask yourself the following questions:
1. How many cigarette butts have your patients, visitors and staff littered
at your location today?
2. Just where do you think all those butts are going to end up - if your
maintenance staff don't get to them first?
3. And if your location is Smoke-Free (or is going Smoke-Free) then what do you
think is happening to all of your smokers butts?
(Answer: They're being littered all around the neighbouring areas of your
The Butts Stop Here.
Don't make going Smoke-Free at your location everyone else's problem.
Go Smoke-Free the right way.
The fact is that Hospitals and Medical Facilities are high stress locations - and that means high smoking rates.
Patients smoke
- Visitors smoke
- Staff and Contractors smoke
Personal Ashtrays (aka Portable Ashtrays or Pocket Ashtrays or Butt Bins) with logo printing are changing the way Hospitals, Clinics, Medical Facilities and Health Services locations around the world are addressing the serious environmental problem of cigarette butt litter - especially when their location is Smoke-Free - or planning on going Smoke-Free.
Personal Ashtrays can eliminate cigarette butt litter by giving smokers the ability to safely, easily and responsibly dispose of their cigarette butts, no matter where they are.
This is critical for facilites that have gone or are going Smoke-Free because smokers will simply stand outside neighbouring properties - and smoke there.
You simply wouldn't think of telling your people to just throw their litter onto the ground outside your neighbours and the surrounding areas. But if your location is Smoke Free and does not assist your smokers to do the right thing with their butts, then that is exactly what you are doing.
You're just shifting your problem onto your neighbours.
Fact: Your location can completely eliminate the problem instantly with No BuTTs Personal Ashtrays & Eco-Pole Wall / Post / Bollard Ashtrays.
Let's face it. Cigarette butt litter is not a good look. Never. Take a look around your property. You'll see what we mean.
Fact: Fixed Ashtrays in Designated Smoking Zones can help protect your location from Cigarette Butt Litter as people enter your property or 'go for a smoke'.
Over 1,000 Hospitals, Clinics, Medical Facilities and Health Services locations across Australia and around the world have already installed No BuTTs Eco-Pole Wall & Post-mounted Ashtrays and Eco-Pole Freestanding/Bollard Ashtrays at the entrances to facilities. Eco-Pole Ashtrays are the best selling Stainless Steel cigarette butt receptacles in Australia - by far. Click here to see why.
Fact: Personal Ashtrays can help protect your neighbours and surrounding environment from cigarette butt litter wherever a smoker goes - and that's absoloutely critical if your location is Smoke-Free or planning to go Smoke-Free.
Apart from the serious environmental consequences of cigarette butt litter, from a corporate image position it doesn’t get much worse than the damage caused by Affiliated Butt Litter. That’s the cigarette butt litter emanating from any organisation's location and smokers - whether they're employees & staff, members, guests, patrons, patients, customers, contractors or visitors, etc.
‘Affiliated’ smokers can either create a positive impression of a business - or a negative one. It all gets down to what they do with their butts.
No Butts award winning Branded Personal Ashtrays are the hottest eco-friendly promotional product in the world.
Well over 1,000 Hospitals, Clinics, Medical Facilities and Health Services locations across Australia, New Zealand, United States and Europe are now providing No BuTTs Personal / Portable / Pocket Ashtrays to their patients, visitors - and staff.
That's not only great news for our environment, it's also very beneficial to organisations that understand the importance of visibly promoting their high standards of environmental responsibility - and their efforts to encourage a butt free Australia - and a butt free planet.
It's for these reasons that the vast majority of our clients (over 99%) also choose to brand their No BuTTs Personal / Portable / Pocket Ashtrays / Butt Bins, which turns them into an outstanding eco-friendly promotional product that will be seen, used and appreciated - and help protect the environment - long after smokers have received them - wherever and whenever they smoke.
And because smoking is a health hazard over 90% of our medical based clients also choose to print our award winning slogan "Protect our environment. Better still - quit smoking" or include links, phone numbers or QR Codes to Quit Smoking websites. That says it all.
Our Personal / Portable / Pocket Ashtrays also provide a stunning eco-friendly and visible display of their organisation's high standards of environmental protection and progressive approach to reducing cigarette butt litter.
It's for these reasons that No BuTTs is pleased to be able to provide specific assistance to clients with economical, sustainable and (most of all) effective butt litter reduction programs that not only reduce cigarette butt litter, but in many cases essentially eliminate the problem.
Special Offers for Medical Facilities & Health Services
Order 4 Eco-Pole Ashtrays and receive a 5th Eco-Pole FREE!
Order 2,000 Logo Printed Personal Ashtrays and receive an Eco-Pole Wall & Post-mounted Ashtray FREE!
For a FREE Sample & Info pack or to discuss your location's Cigarette Butt Litter Reduction goals or requirements call No BuTTs now on
(+61) 1300-NOBUTTS (+61 1300-662-888) or email us at
Medical & health services based client case studies:
...Successful, Sustainable, Effective, Economical & Image Positive Butt Litter Reduction from No BuTTs.
Information Downloads:
Branded Personal Ashtray - Artwork Examples & Print Specs
Client Posters - Hospitals, Clinics, Medical Facilities & Health Services locations:
Butt Litter Reduction Checklist:
Hospitals, Medical Facilities, Clinics & Health Service Providers
Personal / Portable / Pocket Ashtrays:-
- Kick butts with our stylish, slightly off-beat, and cheeky Mini-Butts Personal / Portable / Pocket Ashtrays!
- So easy to use!
- Pop it open, Drop butt in, Snap it closed and Shake it for a few seconds!

- Recyclable, Re-washable, Reusable
- Now with new reinforced hinges incorporating stainless steel hinge pins
- Lasts for months!
- Comes in a wide range of fab colours
- Logo printing is available for a minimum quantity of only 500 Personal Ashtrays!
- Stronger, smarter, cheaper (and cuter) than other products
- Holds over 12 butts. Easy to empty - butts don’t jam
- Fits easily in pocket, hand or bag
- Clip it on belt, bag, pocket or pack of cigarettes
- No need to ever drop a butt again - the environment loves you!
- Snap-Lock lid ensures odours and ash are trapped inside and butts don’t fall foul!
Our clients include:

No BuTTs. ...because the world is not an Ashtray!