Dob in a Tosser - Report Litter Bugs
(A.K.A. Dob in an 'Ash-hole')
Please Note:
To make a Citizens Littering Report scroll down to map.
Latest News:
- Victoria leads the way with new Report Litterers App for iPhones!
Click here to find out more.
Time to dob in those 'Ash-holes!'
Thank you for your interest in No BuTTs and the issue of cigarette butt litter reduction. We too share your disgust at people who flick, toss, drop or throw their dirty butts out of their car windows, or onto the footpath, gutter, beach, etc. And now there's something you can do about it.
Cigarette butts are Litter. No excuses. The world is not an ashtray.

Discarded cigarette butts also cause fires. The Country Fire Authority in Victoria has confirmed
that the 2009 Black Saturday fire in Bendigo West was caused by a discarded cigarette butt. This fire resulted in the death of two people, the loss of over 50 homes and livestock fatalities exceeding 1,000 animals.
And this completely avoidable tragedy was caused
by the action of just one F*** Wit.
He or she should be in jail.
People who litter their butts have been labelled "Accidental Arsonists" by the CFA - but in our opinion there's nothing accidental about it. It's the same moronic behaviour as those idiots that drop rocks off freeway overpasses. ...Just what did they expect might happen???
Ironically, most people who litter their butts would never dream of throwing an empty can of Coke, or Mars Bar wrapper out of their car window. The problem is they simply don't realise - or don't care that:
- Butts are in every way Litter, are toxic, cause fires and can take up to 20 years to breakdown.
- There are safe, easy and appropriate ways to dispose of their butts no matter where they are - like using a personal / portable ashtray.
- Fines of up to $2,000 can apply if they are caught littering their butts. More, if it happens to be a Total Fire Ban day.
So what to do?
Every State, with the pitiful exception of South Australia and the Northern Territory, takes the issue of cigarette butt littering (and any littering for that matter) very seriously and they all have their own avenues of making a complaint - ie how to dob in a Tosser. The easiest option is to go to their website and follow their instructions.
Unfortunately, due to privacy regulations and to prevent any false or mischievious reports, we can't contact the relevant authorities on your behalf, or of course we would.
And as a result of those same privacy regulations all personal details (and information on what happened) provided to the authorities by concerned citizens remains completely confidential.
Queensland's recently implemented system and NSW have by far the most intelligent and easiest reporting systems. In Victoria you need register your details with the EPA. This is a once off requirement and after you have received your username and password, (usually within an hour or so) you are easily and quickly able to log on to the EPA website anytime and report any 'Tossers' directly to them.
Just select your own State or Territory from the map below to see what the options are where you live. And if your State has a direct web link available you'll be taken straight to it.
Just click on your State to go straight to their Litter Reporting Dept.

What Happens To Those Tossers?
The relevant State Departments are all committed to the issue of cigarette butt litter reduction, and whenever they receive a report of someone doing the wrong thing, they do act immediately.
At the very least, offenders receive one warning in writing - or even a phone call from the EPA - alerting them to the fact that the EPA has received information from a concerned citizen on their anti-social and dangerous behaviour, and advising them in the strongest terms that should the EPA receive a second complaint, they will take action and prosecute the offender.
Increasingly offenders are being prosecuted without a first warning - and we totally support this policy.
Let's make littered cigarette butts an endangered species.
No BuTTs is committed to reducing the serious environmental problem of cigarette butt litter, and we appreciate your environmental vigilance. This has nothing to do with the issue of cigarette smoking. Cigarettes are a legal product and people are free to smoke if they want to. They are not however free to simply chuck their butts wherever and whenever the 'need' to dispose of a cigarette butt arises. Smokers have a legal (and in fact moral) obligation to "do the right thing" and dispose of their butts appropriately.
We believe that if smokers can carry a pack of cigarettes and a lighter, they can - and should - also carry a personal ashtray - also known as Portable Ashtrays or Butt Bins. After all, it's exactly the same as walking the dog - you must carry a plastic bag so that if your dog does 'what dogs do', you can clean up the mess and dispose of it appropriately in the nearest bin. Interestingly, cigarette butts are far worse for the environment than dog poop...
The good news is that slowly but surely, as govt, corporate and public awareness of the problem increases, we are beginning to win the battle to reduce, if not eventually eliminate the scourge of cigarette butt litter. We're going to have to do it smoker by smoker, but it's actually not that hard, and the journey is well under way. Environmentally responsible participants like you are what’s making the difference and we thank you again for your input.
If we can be of any further assistance or if you would like additional info, please do not hesitate to contact us via email or call 1300-NOBUTTS.
Witnessing butt littering from vehicles is one of the most common causes of driver anger. Here's some more examples:

All jokes aside, it's bloody disgrace when someone flicks their butt out the window. It's time to dob the bastards in.
No BuTTS. ...Because the world is not their ashtray.