Antibes SNSM Lifeboat are reducing cigarette butt litter in France and the Riviera with No BuTTs Personal Ashtrays

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Antibes Lifeboat is distributing Personal Ashtray on the French Riviera
Antibes SNSM Lifeboat in France launch the award winning No BuTTs Personal Ashtrays in a campaign to protect the environment, reduce the risk of fires on board boats and raise much needed funds.

Captain Dominic Bamford of the Motor Yacht Soraya said they were delighted to be the first organisation on the Riviera to begin distribution of No BuTTs Personal Ashtrays.

Antibes Lifeboat
"It's a win win win situation for all parties involved." said Dominic.

"Firstly the environment is protected from cigarette butt litter. Additionally our Personal Ashtrays also reduce the risk of fires on board vessels as smokers are easily able to do the right thing with their butts. Also, sales of this eco-friendly product help generate much needed funds for Antibes Lifeboat, which is a completely voluntary organisation."

"We're thrilled to have No BuTTs Personal Ashtrays helping protect the beautiful Riviera from cigarette butt litter." said No BuTTs Managing Director, Jack Jacobson. "Dominic discovered our Personal Ashtrays in New Zealand and contacted us to organise distribution in his gorgeous part of the world - and we were happy to assist."

Antibes Lifeboat's Personal Ashtrays
"The response we have been receiving from our Personal Ashtrays has been sensational and we'll also be promoting them at the upcoming Monaco and Cannes boat show in September." said Dominic.

"It's great to know that with every Personal Ashtray we distribute, cigarette butt litter on the Mediterranean is being reduced as is the risk of fires on board vessels from discarded butts." said Dominic.

"People are very happy to pay a few Euros for such a handy product especially when they know that all funds generated help support the Antibes S.N.S.M. Lifeboat who are responsible for the rescue and assistance to the maritme community in the French Riviera including Monaco.

  By No BuTTs & Antibes SNSM Lifeboat [22nd August 2012]


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