Cigarette Butt Disposal Receptacles
ci-ga-rette butt re·cep·ta·cle
['si-gah-ret but ri-sep-tuh-kuhl']
1. a container, device, etc., specifically designed to receive or hold cigarette butts. Can be permanently mounted, portable or pocket sized.
Cigarette Butt Receptacles, depending on their use, are also known as:
- Ashtrays

- Smokers Poles
- Smokers Trays
- Ash Bins
- Cigarette Poles
- Ash Urns
- Cigarette Bins
- Butt Holders
- Butt Bins
What ever you want to call them, Cigarette Butt Disposal Receptacles and Ashtrays assist smokers to respsonsibly dispose of their cigarette butts. That's not only great news for the environment, it's also very beneficial for the appearance of any location where smokers smoke.
Cigarette Butt Receptacles are also critical for every organisation that cares about their public image because cigarette butt litter is not a good look. Never.
That's why over 100 Organisations and Government Departments ever week are installing No BuTTs range of Cigarette Butt Disposal Receptacles.
No BuTTs Cigarette Butt Receptacles and Cigarette Bins are available in the following models:
(Click photos to go straight to relevant product section on our website.)
Wall & Post Mounted Cigarette Butt Receptacles
No BuTTs 'Eco-Pole' Wall & Post Mounted Cigarette Butt Disposal Receptacles are the best selling Stainless Steel Wall & Post Ashtrays and Cigarette Bins in the world today. Eco-Pole Ashtrays offer the most intelligent design and features of any cigarette butt receptacles available anywhere - by far.

Freestanding & Bollard Cigarette Butt Receptacles
Eco-Pole Freestanding Smokers Poles can be permanently mounted or used in portable mode. Eco-Pole Freestanding & Bollard Cigarette Receptacles with optional Crowd Control Rope Barrier Points are a world first - and are revolutionising the way venues and outdoor locations control their patrons flow and their cigarette butt litter at the same time.

Personal / Pocket / Portable Butt Holders & Butt Bins
Personal Cigarette Receptacles are changing the littering habits of millions of smokers around the planet - because smokers can safely, easily and responsibly dispose of their cigarette butts wherever and wherever they smoke. Personal & Pocket Ashtrays from No BuTTs are also the hottest eco-friendly promotional product in the world today because they will be seen, used and appreciated - and help protect our environment long after the smoker has received them.

Smokers Trays
Smokers Tray Cigarette Butt Receptacles from No BuTTs are made of 100% stainless steel and come supplied with our exclusive 'Wind-Guard' upper flap that directs butts down into the ashtray - and ensures that those butts can't blow out when used in windy locations.

Sand Trays
Sand Tray Cigarette Butt Disposal Receptacles from No BuTTs are now being used at 1,000s of Hotels, Motels, Serviced Apartments and Commercial Facilities around the world and are available in Slate and Terra Cotta shades. Manufactured from poly-carbonate and supplied with a 100% stainless steel insert.

Table-top / Windproof Cigarette Butt Receptacles
Table-top / Windproof Cigarette Butt Receptacles are now assisting 1,000s of Cafe, Restaurants, Hotels and Personal Smokers to safely and easily dispose of their butts at outdoor tables without having to worry about the wind blowing the ash, embers and butts out of the ashtrays. Gravity operated and manufactured from 100% stainless steel.
No BuTTs. ...because the world is not an ashtray.