Attention: Union Managers
Ask yourself the following questions:
- How many cigarette butts have your members littered today?
- And how many people have seen them doing it?
- Would you like to turn these problems into a solution that not only eliminates cigarette butt litter - but also provides your organisation with a great little Eco-friendly promotional product that helps our environment and will be seen, used and appreciated - and advertise your union in a very positive way - many times a day for months after your members have received their personal ashtray?
Let's face it. Cigarette butt littering is not a good look. Never.
Apart from the serious environmental consequences of cigarette butt litter, from a corporate publicity position it doesn’t get much worse than the damage caused by Affiliated Butt Litter. That’s the cigarette butt litter emanating from any organisation's smokers - whether they're employees & staff, guests, passengers, patrons, customers, contractors, patients, or with Unions - their members.
‘Affiliated’ smokers can either create a positive impression of an organisation - or a negative one. It all gets down to what they do with their butts.
The problem is even worse when it's your members littering their butts when they’re out and about - especially when in work gear or wearing a hard-hat, emblazzoned with your union's logo or slogan, etc.
Butt littering is never a good look - and people do notice. What their smokers do does impact on every organisation's public profile.
Promote your Union and protect our environment - and your public image - at the same time.
Personal Ashtrays are not only beneficial for when your members are out and about or on the job, they're even more critical when union members are on public display such as at rallies, marches and picket lines, etc - and usually with the media in attendance and following their every move.
In fact too often at these get togethers, the only reminder of what actually took place is the 100s or even 1,000s of cigarette butts left scattered by your members and other participants - and that is a shocking public display of environmental irresponsibility.
But it need not be.
Regardless of where and why your members are assembling, logo printed Personal Ashtrays from No BuTTs can ensure that none of your members publically litters their butts - and your Union can be seen to be green!
But it gets better and here's why:
Personal Ashtrays printed with your union's logo and slogan etc are the hottest eco-friendly promotional product in the world and are a sensational way to advertise your organisation to the public at these events by handing them out to participants, supporters and even media personnel.
After all, they smoke too and you're almost guaranteed positive press supporting your progressive environmental initiative.
- Personal Ashtrays with your union's info on them are a great ice-breaker and make a handy promotional gift for delegates to hand out to prospective members when they visit locations on union business.
- Personal Ashtrays are also a fantastic item to include in Membership / Induction packs.
- Personal Ashtrays are a great addition to any Union's Gift Shop or On-line Store. If your Union already sells logo printed stubbie holders, caps and t-shirts etc, then you're already missing out by not having logo printed Personal Ashtrays as one of your promotional products.
Over 98% of smokers are happy to use a personal ashtray when one is available.
This creates a great opportunity for Unions to help their community, their members and also our environment - and helps members set a great eco-friendly example for all to follow at the same time.
No BuTTs Personalised Ashtrays are now assisting over 15,000 environmentally responsible companies and organisations across the planet to reduce - and in many cases eliminate - the cigarette butt litter created by their smokers.
From the smallest companies all the way to Govt Depts and multinational giants, and everyone in between, Mini-Butts Personal Ashtrays, Pocket Ashtrays & Portable Ashtrays (aka Butt Bins) don't just reduce the problem of butt litter - they can essentially eliminate it - and any negative repercussions that inevitably result from affiliated butt litter.
That's not only great news for our environment, it's also very beneficial to organisations who understand the importance of protecting their corporate image and profile from the damaging effects of Affiliated Butt Litter.
It's for these reasons that the vast majority of our customers also choose to logo print their Mini-Butts personal/pocket/portable ashtrays, making them an outstanding eco-friendly promotional product that will be seen, used and appreciated long after smokers have left their location and providing a stunning eco-friendly display of their organisation's high standards of environmental protection and social responsibility.
No BuTTs can also include an anti-littering message, website or even a quit smoking message on your Personalised Ashtrays along with your logo - for no additional charge.
For a free info pack and samples call us now on 1300-NOBUTTS (1300-662-8887) and let us show you how easy it is to create a very positive impression of your Union and protect Australia's environment at the same time.
Information Downloads:-
Mini-Butts Personal Ashtrays - General Info
Butt Litter Reduction Checklist for Unions
Sample Poster - The Only Butt
Mini-Butts Personal / Portable / Pocket Ashtrays:-
- Kick butts with our stylish, slightly off-beat, and cheeky Mini-Butts Personal / Portable / Pocket Ashtrays!
- Made from melt-proof & heat-resistant ABS plastic
- So easy to use!
- Pop it open, Drop butt in, Snap it closed and Shake it for a few seconds
- Holds almost double the amount of butts than other units - but is smaller than most other personal ashtrays (That's because 100% of the inside of a Mini-Butt is storage space)
- Recyclable, Re-washable, Reusable
- Comes in a wide range of fab colours
- Logo printing is available for a minimum quantity of only 500 Mini-Butts
- Stronger, smarter, cheaper (and cuter) than other products
- Now upgraded with reinforced hinges incorporating stainless steel hinge pins
- Holds over 12 butts. Easy to empty - butts don’t jam
- Fits easily in pocket, hand or bag
- Clip it on work belt, tool bag, lanyard, pocket or pack of cigarettes
- No need for your members to ever drop a butt again - the environment loves you!
- Snap-Lock lid ensures odours and ash are trapped inside and butts don’t fall foul
- Costs around $2 each including logo printing and lasts for months!
Call 1300-NOBUTTS now!
No BuTTs. ...Because the world is not an ashtray!