Spare Key Set
Item Code: S-Key2
So you need another key or 2 for your Eco-Poles?
No Problem.
We know what it's like...
- You're sure you know where you put that damn key, but you just can't find it...
- The person you gave your Eco-Pole key to swears that they never got it...
- The person you gave your Eco-Pole key to admitts that they've lost it...
- The person you gave your Eco-Pole key to is sick or away on holidays...
- The person you gave your Eco-Pole key to has left the business...
- You haven't got a frigging clue where you put the damn thing...
...It happens all the time, but there's no need to worry.
Eco-Pole Ashtray Spare Key & Mini Dust Brush sets are easily available from No BuTTs - and we can get them to you quick!
All Eco-Pole Ashtrays are supplied with 1 key per unit - and all Eco-Pole Ashtrays are 'same keyed', so if you ordered more than one Eco-Pole Ashtray, you've already received extra keys that will fit all your other Eco-Pole Ashtrays.
But if you've only ordered a single Eco-Pole Ashtray, then for a whole lot of reasons it doesn't hurt to have a couple of spares available if needed.
If you need extra Eco-Pole Ashtray keys contact us now and we can pop some in the mail to you today.
Call 1300-NO BUTTS (1300-662-888) or email